Nuestro Equipo

Conozca a nuestro equipo de facilitadores, administradores y asesores.

Seguimos creciendo y tenemos muchas novedades en camino, ¡así que permanezca atento!

  • Bernhard Schieber
    Bernhard Schieber
  • Ada Colomer Torrent
    Ada Colomer Torrent
    Director of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • David Coca
    David Coca
    Group Facilitator
  • Yudith Techera
    Yudith Techera
    Facilitadora de Grupos
  • Adolfo Torres
    Adolfo Torres
    Facilitador de Grupos
  • Cristian Pernett
    Cristian Pernett
    Group Facilitator
  • Jorge Ernesto Zuluaga Guzman
    Jorge Ernesto Zuluaga Guzman
    Group Facilitator
  • Anna Pastor Cherta
    Anna Pastor Cherta
    Facilitadora de Grupos
  • Mónica Puccini Gaviria
    Mónica Puccini Gaviria
    Group Facilitator
  • Antonio Fuentes
    Antonio Fuentes
    Facilitador de Grupos
  • Rosa Rodriguez
    Rosa Rodriguez
    Facilitadora de Grupos
  • Ana Barredo
    Ana Barredo
    Facilitadora de Grupos
  • Dr. Jack Torres
    Dr. Jack Torres
    Group Facilitator
  • Eleuterio Marques
    Eleuterio Marques
    Group Facilitator
  • Elvira Sanchez Vilariño
    Elvira Sanchez Vilariño
    Group Facilitator
  • Chrystel Rouveure
    Chrystel Rouveure
    Facilitadora de Grupos
  • Monica Reale-Vidal
    Monica Reale-Vidal
    Group Facilitator
  • Lucía Ameijide Guerrero
    Lucía Ameijide Guerrero
    Group Facilitator
  • Maite González Poveda
    Maite González Poveda
    Group Facilitator
  • Jacques Lacroix
    Jacques Lacroix
    Group Facilitator
Bernhard Schieber
Bernhard Schieber es un ocounselor, coach y mentor certificado en Logoterapia, Análisis Existencial y otros campos de la salud mental y gestión empresarial, adicción, burnout, atención cognitiva, emocional, conductual y espiritual (inglés, alemán y español). Sabe lo que se siente al no encontrar el sentido de la vida, así como el difícil reto de superar más de una adicción, o recuperarse de un burnout severo. Es consciente de que puede ser de gran utilidad para las personas en este tipo de retos, en los que ha trabajado en profundidad durante los últimos 30 años, tanto en estudios como en formaciones/certificaciones. En los últimos años se ha dedicado por completo al estudio del ser y la naturaleza humana y trabaja para acompañarle en la consecución de objetivos, la resolución de conflictos, la resignificación de problemas y la implantación de cambios y mejoras. Ha trabajado en muchos entornos corporativos formando a directivos, y también sirvió 6 años en el USMC como marine de reconocimiento. Apoya y acompaña a empresarios, directivos, emprendedores y sus familias a través de sus propios recursos fundamentales, pensamientos, sentimientos, palabras, decisiones y acciones, para reconquistar sus vidas, a través de programas de asesoramiento, coaching y mentoring de alto impacto y alto rendimiento como alternativa y/o complemento a los programas residenciales o ingresos en centros con enfoque clínico. Bernhard organiza varios grupos al mes con Innovia Behavioral Health y está disponible para sesiones individuales en inglés, alemán y español.
Bernhard Schieber is a Certified Counselor, Coach and Mentor in Logotherapy, Existential Analysis and other fields of Business, Life & Mental Health, Addiction, Burnout, Cognitive, Emotional, Behavioral and Spiritual Care (English, German and Spanish). He knows what it feels like to not find meaning in life, as well as the difficult challenge of overcoming more than one addiction or recovering from severe burnout. He is aware that he can be of most use to people in these types of challenges, which he has worked on in depth over the last 30 years, both in studies and trainings/certifications. During the last years, he has dedicated himself completely to the study of the human being and human nature and works toward accompanying you in the achievement of goals, the resolution of conflicts, the resignification of problems and the implementation of changes and improvements. He has worked in many corporate environments training employees, and also served 6 years in the USMC as a Recon Marine. He supports and accompanies businesspeople, managers, entrepreneurs and their families through their own fundamental resources, thoughts, feelings, words, decisions, and actions, to reconquer their lives, through counseling, coaching and mentoring programs of high impact and high performance as an alternative and/or complement to residential programs or admissions in clinically focused centers. Bernhard hosts several groups per month with Innovia Behavioral Health in English and Spanish.
Ada Colomer Torrent
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility

Consultora en Gestión de la Información y Documentación | Gestión del Conocimiento | Digitalización

Ada Colomer Torrent es una consultora con amplia experiencia en la gestión de la información, documentación y digitalización. Graduada en Documentación e Información por la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), cuenta además con postgrados en Gestión Deportiva por la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) y en Acción Sociocultural por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).

Ada ha dirigido numerosos proyectos de transformación digital, implementación de sistemas de gestión documental y mejora continua en procesos administrativos. Su experiencia abarca tanto la administración pública como la empresa privada, donde ha sido responsable de la implementación de sistemas ERP y la creación de soluciones personalizadas para mejorar la eficiencia operativa.

En su rol en la UOC, Ada ha participado en el diseño y auditoría del Sistema Institucional de Gestión Documental, contribuyendo significativamente a la elaboración de instrumentos de gestión y políticas de archivo. Su enfoque en la documentación electrónica y la interoperabilidad de esquemas ha sido clave para la mejora de los procesos documentales en la universidad.

Ada está comprometida con la creación de procesos eficientes que ahorren tiempo y recursos, eliminando duplicidades innecesarias. Su trabajo se centra en el análisis de procesos y la mejora continua, siempre buscando ofrecer soluciones adaptadas a las necesidades específicas de sus clientes.

Disponible para consultas en español, Ada ofrece su vasta experiencia para ayudar a empresas y profesionales a mejorar sus sistemas de gestión documental, optimizar procesos y alcanzar sus objetivos estratégicos mediante programas personalizados de asesoramiento y consultoría.

Ada Colomer Torrent is a consultant with extensive experience in information management, documentation and digitization. Graduated in Documentation and Information from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), she also has postgraduate degrees in Sports Management from the University of Barcelona (UB) and in Sociocultural Action from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).

Ada has led numerous projects of digital transformation, implementation of document management systems and continuous improvement in administrative processes. Her experience spans both public administration and private enterprise, where she has been responsible for the implementation of ERP systems and the creation of customized solutions to improve operational efficiency.

In her role at the UOC, Ada has participated in the design and audit of the Institutional Document Management System, contributing significantly to the development of management tools and archiving policies. Her focus on electronic documentation and schema interoperability has been key to the improvement of document processes at the university.

Ada is committed to creating efficient processes that save time and resources, eliminating unnecessary duplication. Her work focuses on process analysis and continuous improvement, always seeking to offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of her clients.

Available for consultation in Spanish, Ada offers her vast experience to help companies and professionals improve their document management systems, optimize processes and achieve their strategic objectives through customized advisory and consulting programs.

David Coca
Group Facilitator
David Coca is an investigative journalist and communications expert who has worked for more than three decades in the media, working in writing, voice-over, production, editing and directing. He has collaborated in multiple projects related to communication in all its fields. He also served in a special operations team in the High Mountain Brigade (EMMOE) in the Spanish army. Among the many lessons and skills he learned during that time, he extracted one of them: “Coordination and teamwork is synonymous with success”. After his military period, he was dedicated to protocol and VIP protection and, even so, he never stopped writing. Currently, he is fully dedicated to communication, developing articles and scripts and is preparing a detective novel with a social background, about criminal psychopathology. His vision is based on people’s need to communicate in order to achieve their goals, solve their conflicts and improve their quality of thought and life. He deeply believes in the power of reading and writing to get into the essence of each person and encourages the use of these disciplines. If the message is right and the medium is right, communication flows.
Yudith Techera
Facilitadora de Grupos

Soy Yudith Techera Trabuco. De Nacionalidad Uruguaya, radicada hace 14 años en España. En vida académica he alcanzado el logro de certificarme Internacionalmente en Psicología Social para adultos y Couselling Gestalt, también en Arquetipos de la Personalidad; al aplicarlas en mi labor profesional me ha facilitado develar la profundidad detrás de lo aparente. Me dedico a lo que me apasiona, ser Psicóloga práctica y humanista, estando al servicio del ser y la común-unidad.

Soy una persona que le gusta superarse a sí misma a nivel Personal, Espiritual y Profesional, audaz y perseverante, transmito paz, equilibrio, y soy profunda para llegar al corazón de las personas, soy resolutiva, accionadora, y práctica en cada situación que se me presenta, me encanta observar para crear nuevos entornos, y servir mejor de forma empática.

Las preguntas que me inspiran para abordar mi labor y acompañar a los demás a descubrir su potencial, aunque no tengamos todas las respuestas son: ¿Crees en ti? ¿Disfrutas de ti mismo y de lo que haces? ¿Qué te hace vibrar? ¿Qué es lo que más me motiva?

Estas me posibilitaron descubrir mi potencial con valentía, perseverancia, audacia y creer en mí misma. La frase que me inspira es. “En el cambio esta la evolución” Mi experiencia profesional abarca desde la gestión de relaciones interpersonales, relaciones transpersonales y gestión de estas en el talento humano, de las empresas, e individuales por más de 2 años; aunque en mi vida personal, llevo siendo una Psicóloga en esencia.

Yudith Techera Trabuco is from Uruguay and lives in Spain. She is internationally certified in Social Psychology for adults and Gestalt Counseling, also in Personality Archetypes; applying them in her professional work has allowed her to unveil the depth behind the apparent. She dedicates herself to what she am passionate about, being a practical and humanistic psychologist, being at the service of the being and the common-unity (community). She likes to surpass herself on a Personal, Spiritual and Professional level, bold and perseverant, she transmits peace, balance, and seeks reach the heart of people. She is decisive, action-oriented, and practical in every situation that comes her way, loves to observe to create new environments, and to serve better in an empathic way. The questions that inspire her to approach her work and accompany others to discover their potential, even if we do not have all the answers are: Do you believe in yourself? Do you enjoy yourself and what you do? What makes you tick? What motivates me the most? These made it possible for her to discover her potential with courage, perseverance, boldness and belief in herself. The phrase that inspires her is: “Change is evolution”. Her professional experience ranges from the management of interpersonal relationships, transpersonal relationships and management of these in human talent, companies, and individuals.

Adolfo Torres
Facilitador de Grupos

Adolfo trabajado con más de 8,000 participantes que han tomado sus cursos de coaching, liderazgo, ventas y servicio al cliente; en México, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panamá, Guatemala y Brasil. Se graduó de Ingeniero Químico en la UNAM, cursó Especialización D1 en el IPADE, es Trainer y terapeuta de PNL con Diplomado en Tanatología, Aprendizaje Acelerado e Hipnoterapia y Método Kaizen.

Adolfo comenta: “Pocos caminos en la de vida han sido capaces de proporcionarme el profundo sentido de vida que esta profesión me ofrece. Colaborar con los demás en la obtención de métodos de transformación para encontrar la realización de sus más altos ideales.”

Adolfo has worked with more than 8,000 participants who have taken his coaching, leadership, sales and customer service courses in Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala and Brazil. He is a Chemical Engineer graduated from UNAM, he has a D1 Specialization at IPADE, he is a Trainer and NLP therapist with a Diploma in Thanatology, Accelerated Learning, Hypnotherapy and Kaizen Method. Adolfo comments: “Few paths in life have been able to provide me with the deep sense of life that this profession offers me. Collaborating with others in obtaining methods of transformation to find the realization of their highest ideals.”

Cristian Pernett
Group Facilitator
Cristian Pernett is a Neuropsychoeducator with a degree in Educational Sciences with several postgraduate degrees in Educational Psychology, NLP, Emotional Management, Counseling and Gestalt Therapy, Sports Coaching, Body Language, Facial Microexpressions, Hypnosis, Naturopathy and Kinesics among other specialties. He has been working for more than 15 years in the integral development of the human being looking for the balance between brain, body and mind. To co-create more successful and happy people. His mission is to promote a better quality of life, with practical application tools of emotional management and social skills, accompanying the person on the journey that takes him/her from what he/she IS in the present to what he/she really wants to BE. Cristian facilitates several groups per month with Innovia Behavioral Health in Spanish.
Jorge Ernesto Zuluaga Guzman
Group Facilitator

Jorge Ernesto Zuluaga Guzmán is a psychologist and marketing management specialist with an
outstanding track record in leadership and soft skills training. With more than 20 years of
experience, he has led activities related to commercial training and transversal competencies
training, contributing significantly to organizational development and team productivity.

Jorge has worked as an independent consultant, leading seminars, conferences, trainings and
workshops on topics such as leadership, goal setting, organizational climate and culture,
teamwork, conflict management, emotional intelligence and sales strategies. He has
collaborated with important organizations and universities, including Universidad de la Sabana,
Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras and the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.

In his recent role at SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje), Jorge has evaluated and certified
labor competencies, designed qualification catalogs and updated job training programs. He has
also worked in the management of commercial projects and technological solutions in
telecommunications companies such as Claro Colombia and Comunicación Celular Comcel

In his recent role at SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje), Jorge has evaluated and certified
labor competencies, designed qualification catalogs and updated job training programs. He has
also worked in the management of commercial projects and technological solutions in
telecommunications companies such as Claro Colombia and Comunicación Celular Comcel

Jorge is dynamic and proactive, with the ability to build and lead motivated sales teams towards
the achievement of objectives. His experience in sales coaching and his focus on business
process automation have been key to his success in various industries.

Available for consultations and sessions in Spanish and English, Jorge offers his vast
experience to help companies and professionals improve their work competencies, optimize
processes and achieve their strategic objectives through customized consulting and coaching

Anna Pastor Cherta
Facilitadora de Grupos

Anna Pastor Cherta es una destacada docente en formación continuada con una especialización en habilidades personales y sociales, liderazgo, gestión de equipos, y programación neurolingüística (PNL). Con un enfoque proactivo y organizado, Anna ha dedicado su carrera a la mejora de competencias educativas, comunicativas y de autoliderazgo, aplicando técnicas de inteligencia y gestión emocional.

Anna posee una amplia formación, incluyendo un Certificado de Profesionalidad en Docencia de la Formación para la Ocupación y múltiples cursos en neuroliderazgo, herramientas de e- learning, gamificación en el aprendizaje y mindfulness, así como un Máster en PNL y Coaching Wingwave. Ha impartido talleres y charlas en diversas instituciones y empresas, enfocándose en la mejora del clima laboral, la inteligencia emocional y las habilidades directivas.

Desde 2013, Anna ha gestionado su propia consulta privada, atendiendo tanto a individuos como a grupos en el desarrollo personal y profesional. Su experiencia incluye la formación presencial y online en temas como gestión del tiempo, negociación y gestión de conflictos, cohesión de equipos, y neuroliderazgo. Ha colaborado con diversas organizaciones, incluyendo el Ayuntamiento de Salou y el Grupo CIEF, ofreciendo talleres de inteligencia emocional y habilidades comunicativas.

Anna también ha trabajado como terapeuta corporal y jefa de departamento en SPA de hoteles, y ha participado activamente en voluntariados, impartiendo charlas terapéuticas para la socialización del colectivo de mujeres en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Salou.

Comprometida con el desarrollo personal y profesional, Anna Pastor Cherta ofrece su vasta experiencia y conocimientos para apoyar a individuos y organizaciones en la mejora de sus habilidades y bienestar general. Disponible para consultas y sesiones en español y catalán, Anna se dedica a acompañar a sus clientes en su camino hacia el crecimiento personal y profesional.

Anna Pastor Cherta is an outstanding trainer in continuing education with a specialization in personal and social skills, leadership, team management, and neurolinguistic programming (NLP). With a proactive and organized approach, Anna has dedicated her career to the
improvement of educational, communicative and self-leadership skills, applying emotional intelligence and management techniques.

Anna has extensive training, including a Certificate of Professionalism in Teaching Occupational Training and multiple courses in neuroleadership, e-learning tools, gamification in learning and mindfulness, as well as a Master in NLP and Wingwave Coaching. She has given workshops and talks in various institutions and companies, focusing on improving the work environment, emotional intelligence and management skills.

Since 2013, Anna has managed her own private practice, attending both individuals and groups in personal and professional development. Her experience includes face-to-face and online training on topics such as time management, negotiation and conflict management, team
cohesion, and neuroleadership. She has collaborated with several organizations, including the Salou City Council and the CIEF Group, offering workshops on emotional intelligence and communication skills.

Mónica Puccini Gaviria
Group Facilitator

Mónica Puccini Gaviria is a leading specialist in Occupational Medicine with more than three
decades of experience in occupational risk prevention, occupational health and environmental
consulting. With a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of
Barcelona, Monica has complemented her training with several postgraduate degrees and
specialized courses in occupational medicine, hygiene, ergonomics and hospital management.

Throughout her career, Monica has worked in key roles in institutions such as Mutua Asepeyo,
Fremap and various consulting firms, where she has been responsible for the evaluation and
control of workers’ health, as well as the implementation of health promotion and occupational
risk prevention programs. Her focus on knowledge management applied to occupational risk
prevention has allowed her to advise multiple companies in the improvement of their working

Monica has also held leadership roles as Director of Medical Surveillance at Prevena SPA and
Area Director of Occupational Risk Prevention at Frutovit S.L., where she has implemented
innovative strategies for health promotion in the workplace. Her commitment to continuous
training is reflected in her participation in training programs and her contribution to the
development of prevention manuals and guides.

In addition to her experience in occupational medicine, Monica has worked in respiratory
disease research, specifically in the study of Sleep Apnea Syndrome at the Germans Trías y
Pujol Hospital. Her participation in research projects and her focus on the prevention and
treatment of occupational diseases have been fundamental in her professional career.

Available for consultation in Spanish, Monica offers her vast experience and expertise to
support individuals and organizations in improving their working conditions and promoting health
and wellness in the work environment.

Antonio Fuentes
Facilitador de Grupos

Más de 30 años dedicado al Desarrollo Personal y Profesional como “Ayudador Profesional”

He sido formador, consultor, directivo, empresario y coach en el ámbito de la gestión de Recursos Humanos y en la adquisición y optimización de habilidades directivas. Licenciado en Psicología, Diplomado en Test de Rorschach, formación en Técnica Psicoanalítica, Terapia Cognitivo Conductual y Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso.

Formación en Liderazgo Situacional, Gestión de la Formación, Técnicas de Selección, Calidad de Servicio y Comunicación Intra e interpersonal. Formación en Coaching Ejecutivo, Coaching Estratégico y Coaching Humanista. Master en Gestión de Recursos Humanos y Master en Psicología Positiva Aplicada.

Desde mi visión ecléctica y holística de la vida, toda formación me interesa si me permite crecer personal y/o profesionalmente; siempre estoy en formación continua con objeto de incorporar métodos y herramientas que me permitan ayudar a mis clientes para que logren sus objetivos.

Algunos ejemplos: Cosmobiología, Inteligencia Emocional, Meditación y Respiración Consciente, Análisis Transaccional, Neurociencias, PsicoTarot, Eneagrama, Estilo de Comunicación, etc.

Actividad profesional actual: Conferencista, escritor, formador, consultor, directivo, emprendedor, psicoterapia, coaching y training online

Físicamente, soy “alto y delgado como mi padre”, cosecha de abril del 60. ¡Eso es! 62 “añazos” muy bien llevados porque, sin ser hipocondríaco, me escucho y me cuido.

Mentalmente, “en constante equilibrio inestable”; es decir, casi diariamente intento lograr la coherencia entre mis vicios y mis virtudes, mi cerebro izquierdo y mi cerebro derecho, mi lado masculino y mi lado femenino, mi necesidad de aportación y mi necesidad de aprobación. ¡En ello estamos!

Me considero un “ayudador profesional” orientado al compromiso y a la acción, porque creo en el potencial de las personas y en nuestra capacidad para afrontar los retos que la vida nos plantea “día a día”.

Me tiro a la piscina, aunque tenga poca agua o el agua esté fría. ¡Me fascinan los retos!

Soy hijo, hermano, padre, pareja, amigo… en evolución y mejora continua.

Me gustan mucho las plantas, los perros y los gatos, los viajes y las excursiones y siempre tengo que tener una ilusión o un sueño que poner en marcha. ¡Ah! Me encanta el bricolaje y la cocina.

Me gusta aportar serenidad y seguridad a mis clientes en sus procesos de desarrollo y crecimiento personal y/o profesional.

More than 30 years dedicated to Personal and Professional Development as a “Professional Helper”.

I have been a trainer, consultant, manager, entrepreneur and coach in the field of Human Resources
management and in the acquisition and optimization of managerial skills.
Degree in Psychology, Diploma in Rorschach Test, training in Psychoanalytic Technique, Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Training in Situational Leadership, Training Management, Selection Techniques, Service Quality and Intra
and Interpersonal Communication.
Training in Executive Coaching, Strategic Coaching and Humanistic Coaching.
Master in Human Resources Management and Master in Applied Positive Psychology.

From my eclectic and holistic view of life, any training interests me if it allows me to grow personally
and/or professionally; I am always in continuous training in order to incorporate methods and tools that
allow me to help my clients to achieve their goals.

Some examples: Cosmobiology, Emotional Intelligence, Meditation and Conscious Breathing,
Transactional Analysis, Neurosciences, PsychoTarot, Enneagram, Communication Style, etc.

Current professional activity: Lecturer, writer, trainer, consultant, manager, entrepreneur,
psychotherapy, coaching and online training.

Physically, I am “tall and thin like my father”, harvest of April 60. That’s it! 62 “big years” very well
carried because, without being a hypochondriac, I listen to myself and take care of myself.

Mentally, “in constant unstable equilibrium”; that is, almost daily I try to achieve coherence between my
vices and my virtues, my left brain and my right brain, my masculine side and my feminine side, my need
for input and my need for approval. We are at it!

I consider myself a “professional helper” oriented to commitment and action, because I believe in the
potential of people and in our capacity to face the challenges that life poses to us “day by day”.

I dive into the pool, even if the water is cold or shallow, I am fascinated by challenges!

I am a son, a brother, a father, a partner, a friend… in continuous evolution and improvement.

I love plants, dogs and cats, trips and excursions and I always must have an illusion or a dream to put
into action. Ah! I love DIY and cooking.

I like to bring serenity and security to my clients in their personal and/or professional development and
growth processes.

Rosa Rodriguez
Facilitadora de Grupos

Rosa Rodríguez Vila es una apasionada formadora en conducta y terapias florales, con una dedicación destacada a mejorar el bienestar de animales y personas a través de técnicas naturales y holísticas. Desde 2009, Rosa ha colaborado con diferentes refugios felinos, ofreciendo terapia floral tanto a los gatos como a los voluntarios que lo necesiten.

Con un enfoque proactivo y organizado, Rosa está en continuo aprendizaje, siempre buscando nuevas maneras de avanzar y marcarse retos. En 2013, estableció su consulta privada donde atiende tanto a personas como a animales, aplicando sus conocimientos en esencias florales para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus pacientes.

En 2016, Rosa creó su blog, donde comparte artículos sobre conducta felina y terapia floral. Además, está preparando talleres tanto presenciales como online para difundir los beneficios de la terapia floral. Su expertise y compromiso con la educación la han llevado a ser ponente en la Cumbre Mundial de Terapia Floral.

Rosa cuenta con una amplia formación en terapias naturales aplicadas tanto a humanos como a animales. Ha participado en numerosos cursos y congresos, incluyendo el Congreso de Sedibac, cursos avanzados en Flores de Bach, y formación en aromaterapia para animales. Su dedicación al voluntariado y su continua formación reflejan su compromiso con la mejora del bienestar animal.

Disponible para consultas y sesiones en español, Rosa ofrece su experiencia y conocimientos para apoyar a individuos y animales en su desarrollo personal y emocional, ayudándoles a superar desafíos y alcanzar un equilibrio integral.

Rosa Rodríguez Vila is a passionate trainer in behavior and flower therapies, with an outstanding dedication to improving the well-being of animals and people through natural and holistic techniques. Since 2009, Rosa has collaborated with different cat shelters, offering floral therapy to both cats and volunteers in need.

With a proactive and organized approach, Rosa is continuously learning, always looking for new ways to advance and set challenges for herself. In 2013, she established her private practice where she treats both people and animals, applying her knowledge in flower essences to improve the quality of life of her patients.

In 2016, Rosa created her blog, where she shares articles on feline behavior and flower therapy. In addition, she is preparing both in-person and online workshops to spread the benefits of flower therapy. Her expertise and commitment to education has led her to be a speaker at the World Flower Therapy Summit.

Rosa has extensive training in natural therapies applied to both humans and animals. She has participated in numerous courses and congresses, including the Sedibac Congress, advanced courses in Bach Flowers, and training in aromatherapy for animals. Her dedication to volunteering and continuing education reflect her commitment to improving animal welfare.

Available for consultations and sessions in Spanish, Rosa offers her experience and knowledge to support individuals and animals in their personal and emotional development, helping them to overcome challenges and reach an integral balance.

Ana Barredo
Facilitadora de Grupos

Ana Barredo Matatagui es una bióloga especializada en biotecnología con una amplia experiencia en marketing, comunicación y formación en el sector de la salud y el bienestar. Con un perfil multidisciplinario, Ana ha trabajado en diversas áreas, incluyendo la consultoría nutricional, la gestión de eventos y la comunicación digital.

Ana destaca por sus habilidades en el networking, el manejo de redes sociales, la gestión de eventos y la consultoría, siempre con una actitud colaborativa, iniciativa y un enfoque en los resultados. Ha desempeñado roles clave en la organización y coordinación de conferencias de salud, así como en la moderación y difusión de contenidos en redes sociales.

Actualmente, Ana trabaja como consultora freelance en salud y bienestar, ofreciendo servicios de coaching nutricional, formación en hábitos saludables y quiromasaje especializado en deportes, tejido profundo, relajación y reflexología. Además, se dedica a la comunicación digital y la adquisición de clientes a través de su sitio web.

Ana cuenta con una Licenciatura en Biología por la Universidad de Oviedo y un MBA en Biotecnología por la Escuela de Negocios Aliter en Madrid. Su formación adicional en gestión empresarial, marketing digital y coaching nutricional complementa su sólida base académica y profesional.

Disponible para consultas y sesiones en español, catalán e inglés, Ana ofrece su vasta experiencia para apoyar a individuos y organizaciones en su desarrollo personal y profesional, ayudándoles a mejorar su salud y bienestar mediante programas personalizados de asesoramiento y formación.

Ana Barredo Matatagui is a biologist specialized in biotechnology with extensive experience in
marketing, communication and training in the health and wellness sector. With a
multidisciplinary profile, Ana has worked in various areas, including nutritional consulting, event
management and digital communication.

Ana stands out for her skills in networking, social media management, event management and
consulting, always with a collaborative attitude, initiative and a focus on results. She has played
key roles in the organization and coordination of health conferences, as well as in the
moderation and dissemination of content on social networks.

Currently, Ana works as a freelance health and wellness consultant, offering nutritional coaching
services, training in healthy habits and chiromassage specializing in sports, deep tissue,
relaxation and reflexology. She is also dedicated to digital communication and client acquisition
through her website.

Ana holds a degree in Biology from the University of Oviedo and an MBA in Biotechnology from
Aliter Business School in Madrid. Her additional training in business management, digital
marketing and nutritional coaching complements her solid academic and professional

Available for consultations and sessions in Spanish, Catalan and English, Ana offers her vast
experience to support individuals and organizations in their personal and professional
development, helping them to improve their health and wellbeing through personalized coaching
and training programs.

Dr. Jack Torres
Group Facilitator

Jack D. Torres Leandro is a professional with more than 15 years of experience in Innovation,
Strategy and Business Planning. He holds a Ph.D. in Management, multiple MBAs in Strategy
Consulting and Business Administration, and several specializations in innovation and supply
chain management.

Throughout his career, Jack has worked at leading companies in a variety of industries, where
he has played strategic roles and led business growth initiatives. In his current position, he has
been instrumental in promoting expansion plans and designing innovative management models.
In addition, he has led due diligence processes and has developed international incursion
strategies for several organizations.

He has demonstrated his ability to increase sales and profits, proposing and implementing
effective strategies. His experience also includes administrative coordination in the educational
field and consulting in artificial intelligence and economic development.

Committed to developing new business opportunities, Jack conducts market research and
proposes transformative solutions. His work in corporate and academic environments includes
training and consulting in key areas of business management and innovation.

Jack is available for sessions and consultations in English and Spanish, Jack offers his vast
experience to help companies and professionals achieve their strategic objectives, resolve
conflicts and improve their management processes through customized consulting and
coaching programs.

Eleuterio Marques
Group Facilitator

Eleuterio Marques is a human resources administrator with 14 years of experience in payroll
and candidate recruitment. His dedication to fostering teamwork, building trust and
communicating effectively has allowed him to excel in the human resources field. In addition,
Eleuterio is an accountant with 28 years of experience in accounts payable and receivable,
inventory control and establishing reliable budgets.

Since December 2022, Eleuterio has been working as a Values Coach, inspiring and guiding
individuals and companies to face conflicts and fears through values, promoting trust and
teamwork. He has helped individuals identify their values, create action plans and set clear and
achievable goals, in addition to conducting customer service workshops to promote the
importance of effective communication and problem solving.

Previously, Eleuterio has held key roles in various organizations, such as Human Resources
and Accounting Assistant at Caribbean Medical University and Fraal Import & Export N.V.,
where he implemented strategies to reduce costs, improve planning and foster a responsible
and respectful work environment. At Dutch Caribbean Special Services N.V., he contributed to
cost planning and promoted teamwork.

Eleuterio holds a degree in Business Administration from The College of Dutch Caribbean and
is a certified Values Coach by the International Center for Values Development, ZINQUO. His
additional training includes courses in warehouse logistics, Payroll 4 and labor law.

Available for consultations and sessions in Spanish, Dutch, English and Portuguese, Eleuterio
offers his vast experience and knowledge to support individuals and organizations in improving
their human resources processes and developing a values-based business culture.

Elvira Sanchez Vilariño
Group Facilitator

Elvira Sanchez Vilariño is a nutritionist with more than three decades of experience in the field
of nutrition and dietetics. With a focus on deep empathy and efficient communication, Elvira has
been noted for her friendly and respectful attitude towards patients and colleagues, as well as
her ability to effectively solve nutritional challenges. Her positive sense of humor and
commitment to high ethical standards have been instrumental in her career, enabling her to
establish strong relationships in the health and nutrition field.

Elvira has held prominent roles as Dietitian and Supervisor at Grupo Sehrs and Hospital Sant
Gervasí, where she contributed comprehensively to nutritional planning and assessment. Later,
at Sodexho Spain, she assumed the role of Managing Nutritionist at the Fundación
Sociosanitaria de Barcelona, efficiently managing nutrition in hospitals and nursing homes, and
collaborating closely in the nutritional management of the Hospital del Mar.

Her commitment to innovation was reflected in her pioneering participation in the
implementation and development of purchasing and nutrition software at Sodexho’s
headquarters. Since 2013, in her private practice, Elvira has been providing personalized
nutritional care to patients, strategically adapting their eating habits to their lifestyles. She also
collaborates with health companies and participates in training through Labor training, as well as
giving educational talks on nutrition and eating disorders in educational institutions in
collaboration with the Calella City Council.

Elvira is committed to excellence and innovation in nutrition, excelling in her career and
contributing significantly to the field of health and nutrition. Available for consultations in
Spanish, Elvira offers her vast experience and expertise to support individuals and
organizations in improving their eating habits and overall well-being.

Chrystel Rouveure
Facilitadora de Grupos

Chrystel Rouveure es una coach y formadora con más de 20 años de experiencia en el desarrollo del autoliderazgo, la superación del Síndrome del Impostor y la mejora de la comunicación y motivación de equipos. Con una sólida formación en coaching sistémico, certificada por la Escuela de Coaching LiderHazGo, Chrystel ha ayudado a numerosas personas y equipos a alcanzar su máximo potencial.

Chrystel ha trabajado como consultora independiente, creando formaciones-talleres prácticas y a medida para empresas que desean cuidar de sus empleados. Ha impartido webinars sobre el Techo de Cristal para empresas interesadas en igualdad, equidad y diversidad, y ofrece procesos de coaching personal para el desarrollo individual. Su enfoque en el arte de dar y recibir feedback ha sido clave para mejorar la comunicación y la motivación en los equipos con los que ha trabajado.

Además de su experiencia práctica, Chrystel cuenta con una amplia formación en coaching y desarrollo personal, incluyendo certificaciones en Coaching Sistémico, Coaching ICF, FIRO B y MBTI, así como un diploma de traducción y una licenciatura en lenguas vivas aplicadas.

Disponible para consultas y sesiones en francés y español, Chrystel ofrece su vasta experiencia para apoyar a individuos y equipos en su desarrollo personal y profesional, ayudándoles a superar desafíos y alcanzar sus objetivos.

Chrystel Rouveure is a coach and trainer with more than 20 years of experience in developing self-leadership, overcoming the Imposter Syndrome and improving communication and team motivation. With a strong background in systemic coaching, certified by the LiderHazGo School of Coaching, Chrystel has helped numerous individuals and teams reach their full potential.

Chrystel has worked as an independent consultant, creating practical and tailor-made training- workshops for companies who want to take care of their employees. She has given webinars on the Glass Ceiling for companies interested in equality, equity and diversity, and offers personal coaching processes for individual development. Her focus on the art of giving and receiving feedback has been key to improving communication and motivation in the teams she has worked with.

In addition to her practical experience, Chrystel has an extensive background in coaching and personal development, including certifications in Systemic Coaching, ICF Coaching, FIRO B and MBTI, as well as a diploma in translation and a degree in applied modern languages.

Available for consultations and sessions in French and Spanish, Chrystel offers her vast experience to support individuals and teams in their personal and professional development, helping them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Monica Reale-Vidal
Group Facilitator

Mónica Mabel Reale-Vidal is a specialist in medical oncology with more than 30 years of
experience in clinical practice. In her career she has covered and worked in virtually all solid
tumors, especially in areas such as breast and gynecologic cancers, as well as palliative care.
Throughout her career, Monica has guided patients and their families through the processes of
diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment follow-up, taking a holistic view of health that integrates
physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects.

In addition to her clinical experience, Monica has worked in major pharmaceutical companies
and clinical research organizations, holding roles in medical management, clinical research,
pharmacological surveillance, marketing and training. She has demonstrated outstanding skills
in teamwork, leadership and development, as well as strategy and execution, consistently
exceeding expectations.

In her most recent role as Medical Director at Caidya, CRO in Barcelona, Monica has overseen
clinical trials and ensured compliance with the highest standards of good clinical and regulatory
practices. Previously, as Head of Medical Affairs at Pint-Pharma International S.A., she has
collaborated with CROs in overseeing clinical trials and led pharmacovigilance teams, ensuring
compliance with regulatory obligations and supporting business development initiatives.

Monica has been actively involved in training and engagement with the medical community,
improving product understanding and fostering meaningful scientific exchanges. Her passion for
the patient-physician relationship and her focus on patient empowerment have been
instrumental in her career, contributing to less traumatic processes and better patient outcomes.

Available for consultations in Spanish and English, Monica offers her vast experience to support
patients, families and healthcare professionals in the management and treatment of cancer and
other serious diseases, always with a holistic and humane approach.

Lucía Ameijide Guerrero
Group Facilitator

Lucía Ameijide Guerrero is a business mentor with an outstanding track record in the field of
integrative therapies, strategic consulting and team building. With over 15 years of experience,

Lucía has facilitated creative solutions and optimized resources for various organizations,
demonstrating her ability in team management and effective negotiation.

Since 2017, Lucia has worked as a counselor and coach in integral therapies, focusing on
learning techniques, work orientation and time management. Her expertise spans personal and
work relationships, and she has incorporated innovative technologies such as virtual reality
(Psious) in her therapeutic processes. In addition, she uses appreciative inquiry to address
psychosomatic processes, offering a comprehensive and personalized approach to her clients.

In her role as a strategic consultant at Propuesta 47, since 2020, Lucía has led resource
optimization and team management projects, providing innovative and strategic solutions for
organizational improvement. Her ability to energize and manage teams, together with her
training in non-verbal communication and public speaking, has positioned her as a reference in
her field.

Lucía has a solid academic background and numerous certifications, including a Master’s
Degree in Coaching and Emotional Intelligence, and specializations in NLP, counseling, and
project management. Her background in neuro public speaking and communication techniques
reinforces her ability to effectively train and mentor teams.

Available for consultations and sessions, Lucía Ameijide Guerrero offers her vast experience
and knowledge to support individuals and organizations in their personal and professional
development, helping them to achieve their goals and overcome challenges through
personalized counseling and coaching programs.

Maite González Poveda
Group Facilitator

Maite González Poveda is a Co-Active coach certified by the ICF (PCC), specializing in emotions through Wingwave Coaching and in bodywork via Somatic Coaching. She has focused her coaching skills on Conscious Breathwork, being a Master in Hypno Conscious Connected Breathing (Hypno-CCB) from the Institute of Conscious Breathing (IRC). Maite applies Conscious Breathwork in individual and group sessions, both in person and online.

In addition, she has developed a training course for professional coaches titled “Conscious Breathwork for Coaches,” where participants learn through direct experience the uses, benefits, and power of various Conscious Breathing techniques that they can apply to themselves and their clients.

Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB) is a discipline that employs conscious connected breathing techniques and body-mind practices to support physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. This technique fosters deep self-awareness and connection with oneself, others, and nature, providing a solid foundation for profound personal development. The process induces changes in our physiology and allows us to explore altered states of consciousness, facilitating access to and processing of cellular memories trapped in the body, which promotes emotional healing and personal growth.

Jacques Lacroix
Group Facilitator

Jacques Lacroix is a leading consultant and trainer of Identity Compass and Mind Space Psychology (especially the Social Panorama Model), with an international trajectory that combines innovation, training and knowledge translation for the Spanish-speaking world. As founder of PANSOC and the first Spanish-language branch of the Mind Space Academy, he has led the dissemination of these methodologies to facilitate the understanding and improvement of personal and organizational dynamics.

With over three decades of professional experience, Jacques has worked as a consultant across multiple industries, developing projects in systems management, technical translation, and team training. He is a certified Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (DVNLP and EANLP), a Systemic Executive Coach, and a Master in Hypnosis. Additionally, he is certified as an Identity Compass Consultant and an Awareness Quotient Practitioner, showcasing his holistic approach to human and organizational development.

Jacques has also translated key works into Spanish, including Social Panorama by Dr. Lucas Derks, making these concepts accessible to Spanish-speaking audiences. His expertise in training, coaching, and consulting positions him as a leader in personal and professional transformation.

Available for workshops, training sessions, and consultations in Spanish and German, Jacques Lacroix offers his extensive experience and knowledge to support individuals and organizations in overcoming challenges and achieving their goals through innovative and effective approaches.